Interested in working in publishing?
Subscribe to these job boards:
These organizations offer news, professional development, mentorship opportunities, and have some of the best job boards in the industry. Be sure to sign up for their regular e-newsletters!
Publishers Lunch
Publishers Weekly
We Need Diverse Books
POC in Publishing
Latinx in Publishing
Bay Area Women in Publishing
Young to Publishing
American Book Producers Association
Women in Toys
Don’t forget to read!
My best advice to anyone just beginning to explore an interest in publishing is: read! Why? Your knowledge of what is trending, what the competition is publishing, what makes for a satisfying read, where to find good books, and which mentor texts to recommend to an author will benefit you when interviewing, and when beginning your publishing journey. As you continue on your publishing journey, protect your passion for books by cultivating a strong reading practice—even when you’re loaded down with submissions and too many emails to count!